
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

AbetonDJ101, List of Resources to Get You Started

Today I helped Timo Juuti (who produces crazy tracks, btw!) to find a DJ template to ease the jump from Traktor to Ableton. I ended up hinting about the same things I've mentioned to others so many times, so I came up with an idea to create a little package of resources for those thinking of DJing with Live. As it is, Ableton doesn't quite cater for DJs, so here's information on how to expand on it.

Aurex provides crazy hacks for Launchpad, Livid's machines, and APC40. The come for free, add cool functionalities to the controllers and use up quite a bit of CPU in my experiences. Here's a demonstration of Launchpad script:

Darren Cowley has created Max4Live devices, which, if you have forked out cash for Ableton, M4L and controller, really aren't that expensive, and they come with free updates as well. I've tested Octopad, and it really is worth it's cost! Demonstration of APC's Isotonik through a mix:

Isotonik 7 - Live from Darren E Cowley on Vimeo.

NativeKontrol website has controller scripts for:
Akai APC40
Akai MPD32
Korg nanoKONTROL
Korg nanoPAD
Livid Instruments Block
Livid Instruments Ohm64
Novation Launchpad

They work with Bomes Midi Translator without need for M4L. They cost some, but work great, and bring A LOT of functionalities to the controller of choice. I personally use the Launchpad one, and although it is a bit geared to producing, it works for me in DJing as well.

If you have an iPad, you probably should get either TouchOSC, or the refined version called TouchAble.

Will Marshall has further refined the Tom Cosm's Megaset, and created a DJ template. It is designed for APC40, but you can easily alter it as you wish. Note that this is Donationware.

DJ Template Redux from Will Marshall on Vimeo.

Last but most importantly, Tarekith's DJ effects
will give you all sorts of on/off & one knob action effects to play with. Plenty enough to get you started! They are also donationware.

P.S. There are interesting things done to controllers, which are too numerous to list coherently. Use Google, type *Your Controller* Ableton Script. From the top of my head I can name at least Max runtime based script for BCR-2000 and Guille's Python script for Nocturn.

P.P.S. Here's an earlier article showcasing a couple of videos for inspiration. Further posts can be found checking the tag 101 on the sidebar.

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