
Monday, July 18, 2011

nativeKONTROL LPC-Live

NativeKONTROL scripts use Bomes midi editor to bring complex midi commands into regular midi controllers. I spent the 32,50$ on the LPC (the Launchpad version), and I haven't regretted it for a second!

There is so much in depth to the LPC that it's useless to describe everything in detail, so here is a snippet from the nativeKONTROL website:

This Preset leaves all of the Launchpad’s default functionality intact and adds 7 additional Modes.
Track Mode - Provides control over the parameters of the selected Track (Volume, Pan, Sends x6) via Button Faders, Increase/Decrease and Reset switches.

Device Mode - Provides control over the parameters of the selected Device via Button Faders, Increase/Decrease and Reset switches.

Clip Mode - Allows you to chop up/rearrange Clips on-the-fly and/or play them Chromatically.

Drum Mode - Provides Drum Machine-like functionality via 3 Sub-Modes; Default, 16 Levels and Sequence. Includes Note Mute, Erase and Delete functions as well as the ability to Step-Sequence directly into MIDI Clips in Live

Scale Mode - Provide access to 40 Scale Types for any of the 12 Root Notes. Includes a variety of available Scale Types covering Common types as well as Exotic and Ethnic types.

Learn Mode - This Mode allows you to learn Chords (up to 6 Notes each) and Notes to the 8 x 8 grid. You can learn the Chords/Notes by either playing them from another controller or by playing them back from a Clip in Live.

MonoSeq Mode - This Mode allows you to monophonically Step-Sequence into MIDI Clips in Live. It provides control over the Pitch (quantized to a user-defined scale), Velocity and Length of the steps in the sequence via Button Faders and randomization.

Global Controls - This Preset also includes Global Controls (accessible from any Mode) for navigating Live sets, adjusting Global/Record Quantization settings, controlling Transport, adjusting the current Clip’s Transpose/Detune/Loop settings and more.

The description barely scratches the surface, so be sure to check the videos on the site. There are also different scripts for different controllers. The only downside is that with so much control put to one controller, there is also a hefty manual to read and memorize - something that might not sound so appealing if you plan to use it live.

I found that by learning one mode at a time, I've been able to learn what I want to do live, although there are some modes that I still haven't got to...

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